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Types Of Respite Care Options For Caregivers

Types Of Respite Care Options For Caregivers

Providing daily assistance to senior family members is a rewarding job, but managing it with your day-to-day tasks can become physically and mentally demanding. If you’re a caregiver for an elderly

loved one in the family, you know how overwhelming managing everything can get at times.

If you feel like you need a break to recoup your energy, respite care can help you catch a breath and provide quality care for your senior family member.

Respite care can be a godsend for primary caregivers. Whether you need it for a few hours a day or for a few days in a week, it can help you focus on your own health so that you can get back to caring for your loved one.

There are a number of respite care options for you to try out. Let’s see what they are.

Short Stay at a Long-Term Care Home

One option you can try out is having your loved one stay at a long-term care facility for a brief period of time. With this option, the caregiver will have plenty of time to re-energize, as the long-term care facility can provide care for up to 60 days. They also provide complete personal support with trained nursing staff. In order to qualify for this option of respite care, the caregiver must either be:

  • Away on vacation for more than one day
  • Hospitalized
  • Experiencing a health problem that stops them from providing quality care

Adult Day Programs

If you’re looking for a few days off from respite care, adult day programs can also work out in your favor. Providing supervised and structured activities to senior individuals in a group setting, adult day programs keeps them engaged and active.

In order

to qualify for this type of respite care, you’ll need to ensure that your loved one is physically able so they can attend the adult day program. You must also keep in mind the costs for meals and other activities during their stay.

Adult Day Programs

Respite Care at Home

Considered the best option of all, respite care at home is much more convenient for both the caregiver and the loved one. Respite care at home includes a list of personal support options, such as bathing, dressing, oral care, mobility, help with medicines, etc. it also provides home support, which includes laundry, cleaning, preparing meals, etc., as well as professional support options such as physiotherapy and nursing.

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About Golden Health Services

If you’re looking for home health aide agencies in Philadelphia and respite care, check out our home health care services. We provide a range of quality services to help keep your loved ones cared for. Get in touch with us today!

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